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Week of Recommend: Seabiscuit

By Hailey Rolston

Thu., Sep 2, 2021 | reading time 3 minute ⏰

New Year's eve in 1938, America's annual list of top ten people in the news, a total of nine people on the list, including franklin d. Roosevelt, neville chamberlain and adolf Hitler, with them in a list and a called sea biscuit horse -- it was short, and flawed, and it's jockey impoverished.

But together, they created a miracle in horse racing history. In 1936, Tom Smith, a horse trainer, bought Sea Biscuit, a three-year-old purebred horse with the color of horse droppings, a short build, protruating, asymmetrical knees that were not straight enough, the perfect example of a flawed physique. Despite his poor record, Smith saw something unique about the horse: "Sea Biscuit has a real confidence about him."

Under Smith's training, sea biscuit has undergone a qualitative change, sea biscuit as expected, it and its jockey Bora red hair almost invincible. In 1937, sea Biscuit won ten important lottery races and earned $144,000 a year, more than the most profitable racehorses made in their heyday. On November 1, 1938, Sea Biscuit's race with another prize horse, The Warlord, captured the attention of the nation, even those who had never seen a horse race. Sea Biscuit, who won by four lengths, was crowned race of the Year.

An accident on February 14, 1939 seemed to put an end to Haibiscuit's career -- he ruptured the suspensory ligament in his left foreleg and would probably never compete again. Horse trainer Paula's leg was broken and reconnected for the third time.

"Sea Biscuit and I are an old cripple," said Paula. "We are lost." That fall, however, Seabiscuit's owner made a stunning announcement: On March 2, 1940, seven-year-old Seabiscuit would challenge for the last time in an event he had never conquered: the Santa Anita $100, 000 prize race. If Paula's leg were broken again, she would be permanently disabled. But Paula insists she can play. "Me and Sea Biscuit have four good legs," he said. "That's it."

The whole racing world is watching Santa Anita and sea Biscuit's comeback. It twice narrowly missed out on the $100,000 prize. The result of the race shocked America, with Sea Biscuit running the best time in Santa Anita history, the second best time in American horse racing history, and breaking the world record. Famed author Julie Rodger wrote, "How lucky I am to live to see this day."

Sea Biscuit was injured and could hardly continue, but he overcame the injury and continued to compete until he retired from the sport. His jockey, Bora, also suffered a tragic accident, but the crippled pair have both recovered from their stumps. For a nation gripped by the anxiety and panic of recession, this is a bright ray of light. Each of the main characters in the story has the fighting spirit, the spirit and strength to overcome difficulties and win success, paving the road to success. This spirit is the cornerstone of success. And the legend of Sea Biscuit and Paula is the best portrayal of this spirit. In the era of ocean biscuit, it was the Great Depression of the United States, and the ocean biscuit successfully played an idol of the American spirit at that time. The sea biscuit miracle inspired countless americans in a state of anxiety and panic. Then the U.S. economy began to recover. In this sense, sea biscuit not only changed his life and that of his owner, but also inspired the whole nation.

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